Friday, 17 April 2009

Gem and Mineral Show, Franklin NJ

I will hopefully be at the 37th annual NJ Earth Science Association Gem and Mineral Show on April 25th or the 26th of 2009 <--- I put the year so that people could find it if they were looking for when it is in a search engine. I say hopefully because if it rains or if windy, I will not go. If it is scheduled to rain or be windy on one day, I will go on the better day. The show will be at Franklin school, on Washington Avenue, off Buckwheat Road by way of Franklin Avenue. Zip code: 07416. You will be required to pay a $5.00 donation per person, it is well worth it though. If you go they will put your name and address on their mailing list and they will send you a postcard every year which provides $1.00 off the donation and has details about the dates of the show etc. The coupon is limited to 2 people. The times of the show are:

  • April 25, 2009, Sat. 9 am-5.30 pm
  • April 26, 2009, Sun. 10 am-5 pm

I hope I will see you there!

Super warm day in NJ today!

Yeyy, the weather is nice and warm today, that means I have to get outside and take loads of pictures or I will be beating myself up and saying that I should have gone outside! You should see lots more items in my shop next week; more earrings too!